Sunday, August 10, 2008


I first want to start by saying SORRY!

Friday marked the 1st day that I sent my blog out for the world to view, and to my surprise I had so many typos in the first sentences. JUST HORRIBLE!

That is a prime example of passion in action. When you have something you are sooo passionate about it just flows out so natural, so fast and with such enthusiasm that even when you think you have proofread it still missed something.

Moving forward this should not be an issue, at least to the extreme it was.

Hope everyone is feeling fine, feeling light and looking forward to this cool breeze that we have been getting the past couple of days.

On another note, the weekend delivered some upsetting and unexpected news to us. Black Hollywood lost some strong, talented respectable entertainers. Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes. Both were extremely talented and in my opinion possessed a uniqueness that is hard to find amongst the rising stars of today.

Life is short and of course it was very upsetting to hear the news, but all I could think of when I heard about it was "Damn, a short life lived but so much accomplished". These two men have left this earth physically but during their time here they fulfilled their mission, their purpose in ADDING on to the world in some way and sharing that gift with us all.

I think we all forget that we must try to do that. We must ADD on and if we are blessed enough to do it, then do it well, and do it with integrity.

CNN spoke with friend Bernie Mac friend Steve Harvey (one of the original Kings of Comedy, alongside Bernie) Steve said "He was a great father and a fantastic family man", so not only did he live a life that exuberated his craft and talent as a hysterical comedian, but he upheld his family and was respected by his peers for that. Issac Hayes just had a baby 2 years ago and we can say the same for him.

These were stand up men, and I am thankful for their sharing their gifts and talents with us. We don't have to know people personally to be inspired, touched and moved by the work they do in this world while they are here. I know they are looking down and appreciating the fact they left their mark. They can say "job well done" .

So many of us don't get the chance to do that, so with that being said..Live every moment as if you are making your portfolio for when you are gone. Grab life by the Horns and ride the hell out of it, and do it with your head high and a smile on your face. Give thanks ...YOU ARE HERE one more day to see your children, your mother, your loved one, kiss someone on the cheek, give a hug and dress to the tee's!



Unknown said...

Thats why i have a tat sayin Tomorrow aint promised..Life is short and death is unexpected but it comes. they say the good die young but is that really true? Well only GOD will determine that.
Good Notes Women!

AdrianC said...

carpe diem!