Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The generation of the "BANGWAGONER", The "WHACK G", "The WHORE", "The FAKE Chick", "The Pimp", "The Rapper".....List goes on

Where to start? When discussing originality and standing out in a time when everyone does the same EXACT things is just like being told to run in a Wal-mart and get what you want for FREE but you only have 5 minutes....I wouldn't know where to begin..there's SOO MUCH!!!!

People have no loyalty in this new day and age. If it is relating that down to a football team who is NOT in the Superbowl and now you just hopping on the bandwagon of the team playing to if you love an artist who may not be at the height of their career right now..you forget about them and could care less about their motivations. Even in everyday life, with our friends..if that person is not on the scene, not at the hottest parties and not looking on point one time, you not checking for them. Are we really only as a good as our last performance?

I only ask this because there was a time when loyalty and commitment was taught in the household as something to adhere to as a way of life. It was a principle you had to honor and if you didn't...how would you live? Family and friends really looked out for one another and it was their right and purpose to help their sister or brother get a little closer to achieving their goals, if you had already surpassed that step.

It would be no surprise if you went to a Caribbean immigrant person's house in the late 70's early 80's and even now sometimes, and you could find a slew of relatives newly from their island staying with the person who has set up shop already and made a way for themselves. This was their contribution and their proactive approach to help someone else. They genuinely knew that it was and is bigger than just them.

The generation of today differs greatly because all they think about is SELF and the crazy thing is...they are consumed with Self but follow behind everything and everybody else's footsteps.

Somebody makes rocking a whole bunch of colors a trend everybody does it, somebody says this brand is the hot ish everybody wants it, somebody wears a scarf that is traditionally worn by Arabian men everybody wears it and its HOTT! Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with adhering to fashion and having fun sometimes, but when do you learn to balance it out with who you really are! When do you stop walking as a zombie, when did you last check in with your self mentally and it was completely silent. You actually set up time to do this with you, the same way you make plans to do everything else.

I know this girl who literally everything she wears or buys she pays almost close to nothing for it because she shops at thrift store's and vintage shops for less. She is BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING and highly sought after by all men! Does she feel she needs to rock all these high price designers, who ain't adding on to her quality of life, or purpose on this planet, NO! She is doing what her spirit naturally calls on her to do.

There is nothing wrong with buying quality pieces and if you can afford to live in that space by all means go for it. I am not saying that I live by what I describe above, but the luxuries I do have I can afford them at this moment. If I cannot then I do not purchase! SIMPLE.

I have seen people take their entire pay check to buy a dress that, even if you have the money to buy it, what happens after you wear it? You cant buy lunch for the week, and now I have to pay for your lunch, pay for your coat check when we go out, and pay for parking because... "I ain't got it"....YOU should have stayed home! Better yet you should have never tried to live in a world that is not familiar to you!

Time comes and things happen at the rate that they should. Some folks wonder why they don't live as easy, financially free as others, and the question is simple...God and the universe know that if you had access to some of the things not present in your life you would blow it and miss the lesson. You would not contribute nor focus on the greater purpose of your existence.

There are some who the universe does put in these comfy positions and they still act a fool and blow it, but their purpose and lesson is different from yours. I feel we need to acknowledge this difference we all have and live it.

Stop being like everybody else, don't just rock that coat because Vogue says it is "IT", don't just hang in that circle because all the "cool" people are there, don't just talk to that guy because he has money,and everyone thinks you are crazy if you don't, Don't just write a blog because everyone else is doing it but you really have nothing to say...do what you LOVE NATURALLY!

Just as love is natural, so is existing! Stop forcing things to be in your life that do not have a place in there yet...things will come in time and you will reach your highest peak when you have focused and became one with the essence of who you really are! Don't tell me you already did it....because it is an ongoing process and the job is not even half done!

Be YOU and make your own trends...not everybody will like it, but it will fit in with the band that you are leading to march!

Love you all!!!!!



AdrianC said...

It would appear that individuality is a lost art in today's society. I believe it is because people today are being taught dependence mroe than independence. You know how annoying it is to see 5 dudes all wearing black doo-rag, white tee, black jeans, white air-force 1's travelling in a group? if they were in a singing group okay, but no and when this whole skull and crossbones thing hit mainstream, all the kids even if the fashion, which is made especially for slimmer kids, are still wearing it. HipHop artist aren't any better cuz they are following along too. The only person that cultivates in the hiphop world is Jay-z but the problem is, most of us can't afford to look like Jay he is on a whole...nother...level! Retailers also make it hard because most stores only stock this kind of fashion or make stuff similar to whatever is "hot" out now. So go head with the thrift they are the only ones in their own lane and staying there. And I where what I want because you know what it's hot whenever I wear it I could give a crap about what's fashionable. I think in closing a person should wear the clothes, not let the clothes wear you. And don't be afraid to be yourself, who knows? somebody might start emulating you! Cya!

Meshia said...

very well said. However I think the loyalty thing is on an old school Caribbean concept. Like you said loyalty doesn't really exist anymore but we are nearing the end so it's expected. As for the finding one's own identity that too is key in leading a fulfilling existence. I wish I could send this blog to a couple of people I know.

Ms. Henderson said...

Very well said A-DOG and MESHIA!