Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So I had no IDEA what to type today because I am sooo engulfed in all the festivities and play by play action of this momentous occasion. As the weekend happened, I did not have the fire and excitement that so many around me had. Of course I was happy beyond words this was becoming a reality, but all the celebrity coverage and over saturation was really becoming too much.

Nonetheless, January 20,2009...this day... I woke up with cherry bells on! I am more than excited that today marks the most memorable inauguration of my lifetime, my parents lifetime, and my grandmother's lifetime. This is IT! I am happy, filled with joy and sooo proud of the man who will now lead the land I walk on.

I was watching Oprah yesterday and Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, along with a slew of other celebs were on the show since the O lady was filming Live from the capital. Ashton Kutcher made a statement about Obama that catches the essence of who this man really is to me. He said when he met Obama 2 years ago, and this was well after the DNC, he told Obama how inspired and moved he was by his speech at the DNC, and that he thought he should really run for the Presidency. Obama said to Ashton " Yes, I have been getting that from people these days, but I have to see how Michelle and my family feel about this because it will have a great impact on them, I am not sure I want to do that to them". Ashton said and I can agree "Who wouldn't want this man to be our leader. To think of anything outside of himself before considering to be President, that is the kind of President I want".

I look at Obama and he has his confidence on high, the gentleman side of him is always present, his love for his daughters is impeccable. You have to watch this man MOVE..I study it. On Saturday after he gave his speech to the thousands of people standing at the Lincoln Memorial, He made his remarks to the crowd that was about 8 minutes, and when he was done he came back to his presidential cube with his family and the first thing he said was to Malia. "Was that OK? and she shrugged " It was good". I almost melted.

It is one thing to be a father, and to just be around your children, but to really be PRESENT to who they are, their development, what they love what they don't, their opinions, is another. When he is with Michelle, he is always holding the small of her back, glancing over at her to see if her face shows approval and she is good. I just love his selflessness that he possesses. It's simply MARVELOUS!

I wish him the best term and the best evening he can have! He is a force to be reckoned with. I love my President for the 1st time in my life, I love him!!!! It's amazing! God Bless this land and God bless that man. He has ignited a new wave of living, and it feels good!

All my peoples in D.C. stay safe and take in this moment to the fullest!

Love you all!


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