Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We are each other's inspiration!

I have never been shy about praising my fellow sisters! No matter what age, race, or place you come from...If I see a beautiful woman I say "Damn, she is HOT"! If I like your ensemble I say "Wow, work it girl"! If I see your talent and you demonstrate it so gracefully and effortlessly I Thank you and I tell you "You are Dope".

I have been blessed to know and have some pretty amazing, creative, talented, strong and gorgeous sisters in my life! We may not all be close as cousins, I may see you once every season, we may talk every full moon..but you know its ALL love and I am sure to tell you every now and then THANK You for being a dynamic contrition to my world as it happens...to Me.

Today I received an email from a young lady I have known since I was 13. She has always been full of life, and has turned out to be an exceptional poet and writer...I give thanks to her for this piece that she emailed me today, because little does she know...it made me smile and found its place to me through its significance.

She has welcomed me to share: ENJOY....

MISS POLAY (Nia Crooks) here's to you....

Black curtains moving about amongst the sills of my bedroom windows
Dark spirits circling about
Again I ask self, what did I dream about?
A new day, a fresh start
Clean sheets of white paper to doodle upon
What's wrecking this brain of mine?
Chest full of emptiness and not a happy heart beat in sight
What's going on in the inner Ms. Crooks today that I pray doesn't lead into tonight
I ran away from yesterday & made it all the way to today
So my past isn't making me feel this way
Something or some things are missing this day
God grab my hand and take this feeling away
The more of "ME" is acting less
What will be the avenue of my next step
My Sgt. Green Eyes asked, what am I gonna do with this life?
I didn't say this, but my answer was to just be his wife
Who is he, I laugh @ self
My purpose lately is just to have a fixed health
The crazy spree I've spirled down surgery after surgery the body of a broken clown
Oh wait, its the trial that's raping my brain
Taking the stand from the taxi hit & to a judge & jury I must explain
Nerves of nervousness is what's clouding my brain
Hoping to have the perfect testimony & try not to appear insane
When a overwhelming feeling strikes I blank brain
Sometimes I forget my very own name
Loving that Dad & Gramps will be by my side
Wait..., in my dream I saw my Holy side
So this is not emptiness I feel or a bad spirit circling my room
Its good energy delivered to me by, you know whom
God you're a silly Goose sometimes
You wreck my brain then make me rewind
Its time to fill up with your good graces
And get ready to experience new places & spaces
So its not nothingness, doubt, hurt, pain or negative I feel
Its the feeling of being healed
The sins that I commit wash away over night
And in the morning God gives me a new chance to fight
Amaya still belly swimming as I smirk my face
Happiness decorating all over the place
See this is why I write so I can fill my tank
With words from the heart and my purity place
The "ME" you may know, maybe so many "ME"'s
But the one thing I can prove is only my God holds my hearts key
He opened it up today and my writers block stepped down
These are the words from a frown turned upside down


Let it resonate....

Love you all.. HAPPY TUESDAY!

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