Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Spiritual whisper....

Keep smiling. That was the advice. Keep riding...keep doing what you doing and everything else will fall into place. There is no place for evil and unjust. "The world is balance young star." Today's pitfalls will not keep you down tomorrow. It is how swiftly you rise up above it. God has a master plan, when you question the series of events in your life and worry, you leave no room for the magic and boutiful blessings to take place. Why pray? If worry dominates your present. Be faithful....have faith and work. Do what you were sent here to do. Stand out from the rest. Leave an impression. It is not enough to be good but aim to be GREAT. Great things are born from greatness. Why settle? Why accept the hand you was given...add on to it and make it a royal flush. Every resource you ever needed you already have it. Give the ultimate thanks for every single living thing you have in your life. Key word...living thing. If it is non-living, it is dead. Therefore your material possessions do not equate to the joy that you should feel when you breathe. Take joy in your relationships with those who share your good times. Take joy in your children. Take joy in the trees as they assist in the breeze that cools your beautiful frame. Take joy in the plant that sits in your windowseal bringing life into your home. Take joy in the fruits and vegetables that you eat to nourish your body. Take joy in the wonderful words spoken to you by someone who loves you. Whatever you do...DO not take love for granted. If someone tells you they love you and they show you then they mean it. Believe it. Do not treat the precious gift of love like an enemy. Embrace it and pay it forward. Be of love. Be of light, and make the decision to be happy EVERYDAY.