Thursday, September 17, 2009


We are human, living in a world of distraction. We turn left there is noise, We turn right there is chaos..We close our eyes, our phone rings. We sleep...we may dream in color of what is to be...We are human on a plane of uncertainty.

It is not my battle to fight, nor is it yours. We take everything sooo seriously. WHY? That bill needs to get paid, That event is happening next week I need to go. I have not visited him or her in a long time I need to go. I need those shoes. I need that bag. I need a new man. I need a fly girl. I need a house. I need that car. I need to go on vacation. I need a new job. I need..I need..I need!

I tried an experiment one day with some people who for the record, had no idea they were being party of my observation. I carried my day on as normal and whoever reached out to me on that day...they were part of the hypothesis. What did I hypothesize? That I would hear them either express discomfort, complain or speak of all the things they DON'T have but NEED or WANT. Hear them speak of everything that is not right.

It becomes overwhelming. Not once did someone say I am so grateful and happy for what I have in my life. Most times people don't take a moment out of their day to just give thanks for IT ALL. No matter how troubling times can get...Is it ever really that bad?

Listening to all of the ranting an complaining makes me feel 10 lbs. heavier of course because I am soaking up all that negatively charged energy, but I am conscious through it all, and made the conscious decision to respond positively and upbeat. You would be shocked at how your high enthused energy will eventually break down that person's negative ball. It is funny to watch because it is as if they are a fish out of water, and wont know how to move once you respond opposite to the way they are.

I am too blessed...too happy and to GRATEFUL for all the wonderful threads that make up this life of mine. I will not sulk, feel beat up, think pessimistic, feel conquered, feel hopeless, faithless, or helpless. I am a child of God. I was put here to carry out a purpose and it shall be fulfilled. I am, thankful for IT ALL!

I read this passage one day out of a book written by Maya Angelou (who I adore) and she says:

"The ship of my life may or may not be sailing on calm and amiable seas. The challenging days of my existence may or may not be bright and promising. Stormy or sunny days, glorious or lonely nights, I maintain an attitude of gratitude. If I insist on being pessimistic, there is always tomorrow. Today I am blessed."

And blessed YOU shall be....

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Speak your gratitude OUTWARD! Wear it on your sleeves!!!! It looks good on you.

1 comment:

aRRe said...


It was the most profound thing I've read in a while!

Great Post!!