How many people have shared their god given gifts and talents with us so much that they can say, they have contributed and added on to the universal language on the entire planet?
Who can actually say that no matter where they go, on any coast, hemisphere, continent, region, everyone knows their name and everyone knows what they have done?
Who can say no matter what age someone is, they can recite something you said word for word and be excited about it. The answer is...not too many. The truth is...only ONE in my lifetime has done this...and now he has passed on to share his greatness amongst another plane....King of Music...Michael Jackson!
When thriller came out I was 4 years old. I remember seeing the music video and being scared out of my mind. I remember feeling a way about it emotionally more than anything. Why was he so sweet to his lady in the beginning of the video, making her smile, protecting her from the other zombies that seem to be trying to attack them as they strolled on their date, only for him to turn around and he be one of the zombies himself. That made me upset for the girl, and I just could not understand that, not to mention that I thought he REALLY was a zombie and was scared out of my mind.
From then on...I fell in love with MJ, like we all did. I had all the posters of him in my room, the dolls, I wore the penny loafers, I came home from school and spoke to the poster over my bed that was of MJ and his brothers, telling them about my day, and how that girl in my class just gets on my nerves! Yes...In my mind MJ was my dearest friend.
I don't think it was anybody who didn't yearn to wear the red leather jacket he looked soooo hott in, in the Beat it video. We all wanted to wear all black leather after seeing BAD and have a couple of our baby hairs slicked down to look as fly as Michael did. Not to mention when he rocked that silver glove...we wanted it too. We all wanted a piece of something that he had, because we watched him make the world LOOSE THEIR MINDS literally.
I watched Asian, Caucasians, Russians, Indians, Blacks, and a variety of other ethnicity's cry and shake and scream as this man would simply walk on a stage. I had never seen attention being commanded like this in my life. It was that sort of power and admiration that made us all respect and pay attention to the artistry that would capture our hearts and make us put him on the throne where he belonged.
Even though, there have been tons of controversies and stories linked to Michael Jackson that tried to be his demise, none of them can ever take away the tremendous talent and creative brilliance that accompanied his craft and his gift. I am blessed beyond words to have been able to live in this lifetime and watch this man transcend music to depths that are unseen. It has been unheard of, even to this day for an album to have sold 26 million copies in the U.S. with a total of 51 million copies worldwide their first album. This man did it.
I believe that it is music, that speaks to our souls while we are here on earth. It is good music that can lift us up when our spirits are beneath the ground. It is music that makes us get up and dance without giving it a second thought. Once that beat and rhythm grabs you...there is no turning back. What you gonna do about it. Michael knew this, and he proved it every time he shared some of his soul with us.
As Michael said in his song Living off the Wall (one of my FAVS), tonight.....
"gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf
And just enjoy yourself
Groove, let the madness in the music get to you
Life aint so bad at all
If you live it off the wall
Life aint so bad at all (live life off the wall)
Live your life off the wall (live it off the wall)"